Cherry is considered a fruit NOT a berry:P
No, this is not for you, its for me. Well, you see I always thought cherries were berries, and berries were cherries- in other words, I thought they were from the same family of fruit (silly you think?). Well, they do look like berries don't they?
However, now I know that cherries are not berries because they have a pit and they don't have dozen of tiny seeds embedded in their skin (AAHH!!) and they also grow on trees (berries grow on bushes).
In saying that, cherries are still good for you, in fact they are very good for you. Apart from containing all the important vitamins and minerals, they also have anti-aging benefits (gota love that).
Anyway, I love cherries (who doesn't?), I love eating them fresh by themselves, in a cake, muffin, slice, JAM :)
Yes- JAM, Homemade cherry jam. Sounds good doesn't it. And its fairly simple and quick too.
Here is the recipe ( adapted from here but with few changes)
Cherries, pitted - 1kg
Lemon juice - 1/4c
Cherry juice - 1/4c
Sugar - 850g
Vanilla - 2tsp
Jamsetta - 50g
- Place the cherries in a large saucepan, add the lemon juice and cherry juice and vanilla. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes or until the cherries are tender (can mash them or leave them chunky). Add the sugar and cook, stirring, for 10-15 minutes or until sugar dissolves.
- Increase heat to high and boil for 4 min until the mixture thickens. Add jamsetta and cook for another 4 min until jam is at setting point (To test when jam is at setting point, spoon a little jam onto the saucer and freeze for a couple of min. If it is gel like its ready).
- Pour into jars (make sure to wash them thoroughly, you can boil them in a pot for a couple of mins)
* Note to myself- Please buy a cherry pitter next time before making jam. My fingers are still sore:(
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